2008 No.1 March
March 28, 2008generalforsamling i DUDS, 17-04-2008
April 17, 2008Minutes of the general meeting
Nordatlantens Brygge, Copenhagen d 17.4.2008:
- Choice of conductor and referent. Bjørn Skjoldbye was selected as the conductor. Ulrich F430 was elected as rapporteur.
- Chairmans report. President Christian Nolsøe explained the Board’s review and revision of the list of members in cooperation with DADL. The number of members is pt. 564. Ultraschall will first be sent to you, when you have paid for the quota, while DUDS-the magazine will be sent to you immediately after signing up. DUDS’s website has got a new webmaster in 2007 (Kristoffer Lind s H) and DUDS-the magazine has got a new editor in 2008 (Mette Charlotte marklund) after Michael Bachmann N after several years of creative and energetic service has withdrawn from both records. The President thanked Michael Bachmann N for all the hard work over the years. Michael Bachmann N, on the other hand, been President of Publication Comittee and editor of the Newsletter and is also editor of EFSUMB Ultraschall. Activities under the auspices of the CADUCEUS was reviewed. Lars Bolvig becomes new President when current President departs.
- Presentation of the audited accounts. Torben Lorentzen reviewed financial statements, which showed a smaller deficit of us $. 14,000. In 2008 there are prospects for increasing income and decreasing expenditure quota for Ultraschall. Worth is reduced with kr. 36,000 mainly pga. a realized capital loss on bond-investment certificates as well as a non-realized capital losses on stock-investment certificates. The financial statements were approved.
- Budget 2008. Torben Lorentzen presented a balanced budget. The budget was adopted
- Quota setting. The quota was unchanged at us $. 400 per year.
- Selection of the next Chairman of the Board in accordance with § 6 of the DUDS ‘ statutes. Torben Lorentzen was selected as the “next President”.
- Choice of Board member. Charlotte Strandberg was chosen.
- Choice of Auditor and Auditor alternate. Nikolaj Borg Mogensen was re-elected to the auditor and Mette Charlotte marklund was elected as statutory auditor alternate.
- Orientation from the course Committee. Chairman of Committee B course Skjoldbye presented the work of the Committee and presented the possible future courses. The new Education Committee consists of Bjørn Skjoldbye, Michael Bachmann N and Christian Nolsøe.
- Orientation from EFSUMB. Michael Bachmann N outlined activities in EFSUMB. In 2010, Denmark, according to plan, will again be hosting the Euroson. Christian Nolsøe has been elected President Elect of EFSUMB.
- Orientation of WFUMB. Søren Hancke (Publication Comittee chairmann) replied to questions about WFUMB (who is the Association of the 6 federationer from Europe, Asia, North America, South America, Australia and Africa). Next Congress in Vienna in Latin America in 2011 and 2013. There are 52,000 members. The aim is, among other things. to promote cooperation, research and method development as well as to contribute to the formation of national companies.
- Orientation from the Association of Danish Sonographs. Karl Erik Stovgaard presented the “activities” in Danish Sonographs, but has not been in the Association’s activities during the past year, and that does not immediately determined, planned meetings.
- Received No suggestions.
- The Assembly thanked Christian Nolsøe for the Presidency through 4 years.
- The conductor thanked for good order.
Ref UF