2011 No. 1 March
March 28, 2011dagsorden til Generalforsamling 2011
April 26, 2011Summons to DUDS general Assembly
Wednesday the 27th. April 2011 kl17
Gentofte Hospital, radiological Department (staircase 4, training room in the basement)
After the general Assembly offers DUDS on a light meal.
Registration for traktementet within the 21.04 to c.strandberg@dadlnet.dk
1. Choice of conductor
2. Forel æggelse of the President’s report, Torben Lorentzen
3. Presentation of the audited financial statement, as well as of the budget for 2011
4. Quota setting. The Board is proposing the quota unchanged
5. Elections to the Board of Directors
- (a). Karl Erik Stovgaard resigns (Sat 2 x 2 years and cannot be re-elected). The Committee proposes election of Helle Vibeke Hansen (sonograf at Herlev Hospital, gynaecological department)
- (b). Look Hagen (alternate) resigns (Sat 2 x 2 years and cannot be re-elected). As a new Board of Directors is proposing an alternate choice of Danielle Grossjohann (during training as a surgeon)
6. Choice of Auditor and accountant representative. The Board of Directors proposes re-election of Nicolaj Borg Mogensen and Mette Charlotte marklund.
7. EFSUMB, Christian Nolsøe/Torben Lorentzen
8. WFUMB, Christian Nolsøe/Torben Lorentzen
9. Danish Sonographs, Karl Erik Stovgaard
10. Where appropriate,