General Assembly in DUDS, 29. 04. 2014
April 29, 2014General Assembly in DUDS, 27-01-2016
June 10, 2016DUDS GENERAL ASSEMBLY Monday the 20.04.2015 at 16:30
Rigshospitalet, blegdamsvej 9, 2100 Copenhagen N
Summary: Danielle Grossjohann.
1. Choice of conductor, Torben Lorentzen was selected. The general meeting is announced in a timely manner and is therefore a quorum.
2. Presentation of the Chairman's report by Caroline Ewertsen. Distributed 8 travel grants this year, which has resulted in 4 travel stories for the magazine. The report was approved.
3. Presentation of the audited financial statement for 2014 by Treasurer Danielle Grossjohann. The financial statements were approved.
4. Quota setting. The Board is proposing the quota unchanged (450 kr. every year), account quota is also unchanged. Approved.
5. Proposal to amend the articles of Association: Board of Directors suggested by last year's general Assembly a change in section 9 so that the annual general meeting is held in the period January-april instead of March-april. The proposal was finally adopted.
6. Elections to the Board of Directors
(a). Danielle Grossjohann resigns as Treasurer and Helle Vibeke Hansen resigns as Board member. Mikkel S Dam is elected into the Board of Directors and Treasurer takes over the post and Malene Roland v. P is selected into the Board as a new Board member. Alternate the post has been vacant for a year. The Waage are selected for this post.
(b). Thomas f. B is on re-election as Secretary and be re-elected.
7. Choice of Auditor and Auditor alternate. The Board of Directors proposes re-election of Nicolaj Borg Mogensen
and Sue Charlotte marklund. Approved.
8. Where appropriate,
(a). Issues raised regarding. Award of honorary membership. It is discussed what criteria a person must meet in order to be considered for an honorary membership of the DUDS. You agree that individuals who have made an extraordinary effort for Danish ultrasound can be considered. An extraordinary effort on the part URf.eks can be seen in a time perspective or URf.eks as deeds, that has meant something for Danish ultrasound on the international scene.
(b). EUROSON 2015 nov. Athens. Euroson lecture is held this year by Torben Lorentzen, HHH lecture held by Lars Bolvig (on request from the Board of Directors of the DUDS) and Rune Wilkens will be set by the Board of Directors to make up for the Young Investigator Award.
(c). EFSUMB committees. Caroline is in the Publication Committee. She is, inter alia, with an international group, which is in the process of starting up a new on-line journal under the Thieme group. It's called Ultrasound international open (UIO). Torben is delegated in EFSUMB DUDS.
(d). Bjørn Skjoldbye suggested an active, visible participation, when DUDS and would like the use of ultrasound scan discusses medical, public or overridden with UL-screening for aortic aneurysm as an example. Bjørn argued in his speech that it has been infringed since 2009-despite sound evidence regarding the value of screening all men over 65 years, which is introduced in Sweden and England. In the ensuing discussion, it was decided to contact the Danish Karkirurgisk Company adj. status of UL-screening for AAA in Denmark and, not least, to hear the company's current position.