General Assembly in DUDS, 26-04-2012
April 26, 2012General Assembly in DUDS, 20-04-2015
April 20, 2015DUDS GENERAL ASSEMBLY Wednesday 29.04.2014 17.00
Rigshospitalet, blegdamsvej 9, 2100 Copenhagen N
Report of proceedings
1. Choice of conductor, Michel Payen’s Court was elected.
2. Presentation of the Chairman’s report by Michel Payen’s Court. The main activities during the year has been training related. There has been established a good working relationship with CEKU (Center for clinical education at the University of Copenhagen) and CECLUS (Center for clinical education at Aarhus University), as well as a good cooperation with Danish Chiropractic Association. It remains the position that fysioterapeuters use of DUDS ultralyddiagnostik should be exercised under medical supervision. The report was approved.
3. Presentation of the audited financial statement for 2013 by Treasurer Danielle Grossjohann. The financial statements were approved.
4. Quota setting. The Board is proposing the quota unchanged (450 us $ per year), account quota is also unchanged. Approved.
5. Proposal to amend the articles of Association: Board proposes a change in section 9 so that the annual general meeting will be held in the period January-april instead of March-april. The proposal was adopted.
6. Elections to the Board of Directors
(a). Torben Lorentzen resigns as outgoing President, Michel Payen’s Court resigns as President and will be outgoing President, and Caroline Ewertsen becomes Chairman of the Board of Directors.
(b). The Committee proposes election of Bjorn Skjoldby as the new incoming President (from 2016). Approved.
(c). Danielle Grossjohann has been a Board member and Treasurer for 3 years and will continue.
(d). Thomas f. Bendtsen has been Secretary for 1 year and continues for another year before possibly. Re-election.
(e). Helle Vibeke Hansen has been a Board Member for 3 years and will continue.
(f). OLE K has been an alternate member for 2 years and do not want to stand again. There were no elected a new Deputy. The Board will ask The Waage which are in position and have written PhD surgery intro on transrectal ultrasound, though he possibly. might be interested. (He is interested).
7. Choice of Auditor and accountant representative. The Board of Directors proposes re-election of Nicolaj Borg Mogensen and Mette Charlotte marklund. Approved.
8. Where appropriate,
(a). It was a great success to hold annual meeting with DRS in years, DUDS, and it was decided also to do it in 2015.
(b). The website must be gone through and updated.
(c). Old DUDS paper documents to be gone through and sorted.