generalforsamling i DUDS, 20-04-2005
April 20, 2005DUDS Accounts 2005
December 31, 2005
30 members had turned up to the videnskabeligeÅrsmøde and the subsequent generalsforsamling
- Conductor: Niels Juul was elected as a conductor. He noted the general Assembly legally convened.
- Report: Christian Nolsøe referred to the written report of Presidents, which is broadcast in the Member magazine No. 2 2005. There was no issue and the report was approved.
- Company: Jens Hillingsø presented the audited financial statement, annexed to the minutes. The financial statements were approved.
- Budget: Jens Hillingsø presented the budget for 2005. The Board is proposing unchanged quota of 300 kr. Nikolaj Borg Mogensen did note that there may be a double posting of intermediate being between HHH Fund and DUDS. Jens Hilligsøe takes a closer look at the relationship and correct if necessary. The budget was adopted.
- Quota setting: unchanged 300 kr. adopted.
- Election of Board members: Nurse Vibeke Dabelsteen, which has sat for 2 years makes up for re-election. The Board of Directors proposes doctor Ulrich F430 as new Board Member, when Agnete Vedsted-Jacobsen has left the Board during the election period. They were elected without competing.
- Choice of Auditor and Auditor substitute: the Board of Directors proposes re-election of respectively Nikolaj Borg Mogensen as auditor and Birthe H. Bech as alternate auditor. They were elected without competing.
- Orientation from EFSUMB: Michael Bachmann, which are DUDS delegates briefed on the possibilities for the organisation of the EUROSON Congress in Copenhagen in 2009 or 2010. Niels Juul informed the “Publication Committe” which met here the day before and on “Safety Committe” and invited interested people to sign up.
- Orientation of WFUMB: Søren Hancke gave a thorough requirements review of WFUMB ´ s structure, function and benefits. There are 6 members (the regional ultralydsammenslutninger in respectively. Asia, Europe, Latin America, North America, Australia and Africa) with a total of approximately. 50,000 members.
- Orientation from the Association of Danish Sonographs: Vibeke Dabelsteen refers from convened meeting in HB-Hall (dd). Attendance was not great, but we had a good and constructive meeting.
We decided to arrange a meeting on 27 October, the day before the autumn meeting in Aarhus ´ s DUDS. There will be more posts from sonographs, which recently has undergone training in ultrasound. We must talk about what options we have for the moment and what would we have for the future-for a Danish ultralyduddannelse (for non physicians). There will be additional orientation via DUDS website. We would also like to update members of the Association.
- Suggestions: No topics or issues.
- Evs. : Ulrich F430 thanked for the elections. Finally, the conductor thanked the Assembly for good order. Referent: Vibeke Dabelsteen