generalforsamling i DUDS, 22-04-2004
July 11, 2004generalforsamling i DUDS, 20-04-2005
April 20, 200525 members had come up to the scientific meeting and subsequent general Assembly.
- Conductor: Niels Juul was elected as a conductor. He noted the general Assembly legally convened.
- Report: Michael Bachmann N referred to previously released written report of Presidents and had no Add-ons. There was no issue and the report was approved.
- Company: Jens Hilligsøe presented the audited financial statement, which was approved.
- Discussion: There shall be adopted in accordance with the discussion a collective subscription at Ultraschall in der Medizin/European Journal of Ultrasound for a trial period of one year.
- Budget: Jens Hilligsøe presented the budget for 2004, with reference to paragraph 4, which provided the background for the decision for the quota increase proposed by the Board of directors from 200 to 300 DKK. The budget was adopted.
- Election of Chairman of the Board: Michael Bachmann N goes of after six years on the Board, the last 2 years as President. Christian Nolsøe was elected new President without competing.
- Election of Directors: Jens Hilligsøe, Treasurer was re-elected. Lars Bolvig are elected as new Board Member, as suggested.
- Choice of Auditor and alternate: Nikolaj Borg Mogensen was proposed as an auditor and Birthe H. Bech as statutory auditor alternate-they were chosen without competing.
- Orientation from EFSUMB: Michael Bachmann N, which are DUDS delegates in EFSUMB and Niels Juul, who is Treasurer of EFSUMB informs the next congresses in Zagreb, Bologna and Geneva. Also the Norwegian ultralydselskab has adopted, having Ultraschall as collective subscription.
- Orientation of WFUMB: No touch.
- Orientation from the Association of Danish Sonographs: Vibeke Dabelsteen informs you that Roger Manuel, who is also a member of The World Federation of Sonografers (WFS) is in contact with the Radiograf Association and try to contact all there is on the list. They plan 3 courses for next year for non-medical personnel (sonographs): one on one on the island of Funen and Zealand a in Jutland. We want to hear more.
- EUROSON 2003: Michael Bachmann N informs a successful Congress, which gave 24,000 EU in profits. Moreover, reference is made to the previous description of the Member magazine.
- Proposal: There was not received proposals for consideration at the general meeting.
- Possibly: thank you for your choice and for Nolsøe Christian former President Michael Bachmann N’s great efforts.
Finally thanked the conductor for good order.
Referent: Vibeke Dabelsteen