2015 No. 2 september
September 28, 2015General Assembly in DUDS, 26-04-2012
April 26, 2012Minutes from the
Friday the 19.4.2013 kl. 1700
Carlsberg Museum and Business centres, Valby langgade 1, 1799 Copenhagen V
AGENDA in accordance with the articles of Association
1. Choice of conductor.
Charlotte Strandberg was chosen
2. Presentation of the Chairman’s report, Michel Payen’s Court.
The report noted
3. Presentation of the audited financial statement for 2012.
The financial statements were approved
4. Quota setting. The Board is proposing the quota unchanged (450 us $ per year), account quota shall be set at the same amount.
5. Proposal to amend the articles of Association (second round): the Board of Directors proposes that the DUDS laws be added (in section 2) as follows: the company is medically anchored, and the Chairman of the Board of Directors must be a doctor
6. Elections to the Board of Directors:
Erik Sloth resigns after 2 x 2 years. The Board of Directors proposes Thomas Fichtner Bendtsen, a specialist in anaesthesiology, ph. d. Anæstesiologisk Afdeling, Århus Sygehus.
Helle Vibeke Hansen and Danielle Grossjohann have both been 2 years in the Management Board and accepts reelection for a new 2 year period.
7. Choice of Auditor and accountant representative. The Board of Directors proposes re-election of Nicolaj Borg Mogensen and Mette Charlotte marklund.
8. Where appropriate,
Nothing to this point