Ultrasound Symposium
January 21, 2019Generalforsamling i DUDS, 01-04-2019
May 13, 2019Place: Herlev Hospital. Gastrounit. Medical device. Ground level. Lokale101. (Similar lifts)
- Date/Time: May 15, 9.00-15.30
- Students: Max. 10participants. Goal correction-physicians/speciallægeriradiologiogmedical/Kirurgiskgastroenterologi (the latter with documented ultrasonic curriculum). Members of the duds will be prioritised.
- Teachers: Christian Nolsøe, Torben Lorentzen, Peter Thielsen
- Enrollment:before15. apriltilpeter. Thielsen @ regionh. DK
- Price: 100kr. Forduds members. DKr 550kr. For non-members. Nyearenrollment confirmed: Danskebank: Reg. No.: 3100 Account No.: 3100130831. With the text: Contrast Symposium – U-19215-07
- Program:
- 9.00-09.30: Arrival. Coffee
- 9.30-10.00: Theory-basic Contrast ultrasound (PT).
- 10.00-12.00: Hands-On (PT + CN)
- 12.00-12.45: Lunch
- 12.45-13.15: Theory-intervention contraultrasound (CN)
- 13.15-15.00: Hands-On (TN + PT)
- 15.00-15.30: Coffee. Rounding. Evaluation