27. Course in musculoskeletal ultrasound
June 8, 2022
DUDS Kursus i hoved-hals-ultralyd
March 4, 2025September 12-14, 2022
The well-known basic course, as DUDS most radiologists and other clinicians who use ultrasound undergoes.
Time: Monday 12.09.22 to Wednesday 14.09.22 (3 days).
Place: Herlev Hospital. Lectures take place at Copenhagen Academy for Medical Education and Simulation (CAMES), local K21 in the basement K1 and hands-on in Store Mødesal.
Price: DKK 4,150, which includes lunch and coffee all 3 days.
Rules for cancellation: Cancellation before 1 August 2022 – the course fee will be refunded, less DKK 200 in administration fee.
Cancellation after 1 August 2022 – the course fee will be refunded, deducted from DKK 750 to cover catering and administration.
Course Secretary: Kirsten Duun, Department of X-ray and Scanning, Herlev Hospital, 2730 Herlev. Tel. 3868 2450.
Course Management: Consultants Maja Hartmann Rasmussen, Kayal Nielsen and Christina Kinnander.
Target audience: Doctors and nurses/radiographers who want knowledge of elementary ultrasound functions both theoretically and practically.
Content: Ultrasonic physics, application of an ultrasonic scanner incl. choice of transducer and Doppler, as well as introduction to the application of contrast. Introduction to ultrasound scan in the following areas: Abdomen, vascular (veins mhp. DVT and carotids), mamma, gynecology, intervention, collections and FAST, anaesthesiological/thorax (FATE), musculoskeletal and throat. Plus 2 x 3 hours of practical exercises.
Course form: Lectures and practical exercises (hands-on on scan models) with the opportunity to try out different ultrasound scanners.
CME: 18 CME credits and the course corresponds to EFSUMB's level 1 course.
Further information can be obtained from course secretary Kirsten Duun: ultralydradiologiskafdelingx.herlev-og-gentofte-hospital@regionh.dk
We expect to open up for registrations in June.
Course program here >
Registration is now closed. The course is fully booked