1-dags kursus i hoved-og-hals ultralyd i København
February 12, 202425. Course in musculoskeletal ultrasound
October 18, 2021Intro course in acute abdominal ultrasound scanning including FAST and E-FAST scans
21. November 2022
Rigshospitalet, Department C
Content: This course is intended for people who are watching an ultrasound scanner for the first time and who want to get started quickly scanning the most vigilant, acute conditions of the abdomen. The course includes introduction to the FAST and Extended FAST trauma algorithm.
Course fee: 2000 kr.
Course management: Andreas Hjelm Brandt, Hanne Grossjohan, Cecilie Alrø Mardal and Sofie Bech Andersen.
Course Secretary: Linda Schumann, linda.schumann@regionh.dk
Program and enrollment (from September 1, 2022) at www.duds.dk