Registration for:

34. Intro course in acute abdominal ultrasound scan
arr. Danish Ultralyddiagnostisk Company and Danish Surgical Society

Monday 24th April 2017 at 08.00-17.00, rigshospitalet

This course is intended for individuals who see a ultralydskanner for the first time, and who want to get started quickly with scanning the most vaguely-relevant common acute conditions in the abdomen. Half of the course is hands-on, where students scanner itself or patients. Taught in the scanning of gallstones, hydronefrose, aortic aneurysm, ascites, free fluid (solid) and pneumothorax (E-FAST).

Registration is binding. If a cancellation is made up to 14 days before the start of the course will course fee (minus us $. 500.0-in adm. charges) will be refunded. Less than 14 days before the start of the course, then no refund



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    Postnr (hospital)

    By (hospital)

    Deltagelse i kurset 2.000 kr (incl. forplejning og kursusmateriale)/ To participate in course, DKK 2000

    Hospital / Arbejdsgiver betaler

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