
Kontrastultralyd af lever

– Hands on

Herlev Hospital. Gastroenheden. Møderum C, Etage.3

28. maj 2025 Kl 8.45 -15.30

DUDS Basiskursus i UL

på Herlev Hospital og vi forventer at

24.-26. marts 2025

DRS og DUDS anbefalinger for brug af værnemidler
hos patienter med COVID-19 eller mistanke
herom ved diagnostisk og interventionel ultralyd

Se her >

Welcome to DUDS

Everyone with an interest in diagnostic ultrasound can become members of the society.

The society aims to promote the theoretical and practical advances in ultrasound and is part of EFSUMB, the European Federation Society for Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology .
Here on the website you can find information on several training courses organized in collaboration with DUDS.
DUDS publishes a magazine about 2 times a year.

As a member of duds you will receive the printed edition of Ultraschall in der Medizin/European Journal of Ultrasound.


[sc_icon_with_text icon_shape=”circle” icon_size=”medium” icon=”e604″ icon_color=”#4285bf” icon_color_2=”#6daded” title=”DUDS ‘POSITION ON PERFORMANCE AND DOCUMENTATION of ULTRASOUND SCANS”]

View HERE > >


Guidelines and recommendations for contrast-enhanced ultrasound (CEUS) of the liver

See more at www.efsumb.org

Access to European Journal of Ultrasound (Ultraschall in der Medizin)

As a member, you have the DUDS online access to the journal via the link below.