2007 No. 3 September
September 28, 2007dagsorden til Generalforsamling 2007
October 20, 2007Agenda for GF
- Choice of conductor
- Chairmans report, Christian Nolsøe
- The submission of audited accounts, Nguyen Huu Tri
- Budget 2007, Nguyen Huu Tri
- Quota setting
The Board is proposing unchanged quota.
- Selection of the next Chairman of the Board in accordance with § 6 of the DUDS ‘ statutes.
President, Christian Nolsøe is on elections next year, where he would have been President for a total of four years and, therefore, cannot be re-elected. Pursuant to the amendment must be selected a next President for a two-year period. The Board of Directors proposes the current Vice-President Lars Bolvig selected as the “next President” for one year after which he, according to the amendment will be Chairman for two years and finally “immediately departed President” in two years
- Choice of Board member.
- a) Ulrich F430 is on the elections after 2 years on the Board, receiving reelection.
- b) Vibeke Dabelsteen can as non-medical representative not to be re-elected after 2 + 2 year term. The Board proposes new elections by Kalle Stovgård, radiographer, x-ray Department, Vejle Sygehus.
- c) extraordinary new elections of Board member. Tri Huu Nguyen wants to withdraw from the Board after a year as Treasurer. The Board proposes new elections by Torben Lorentzen, MD PhD, Gastroenterology Dept D, Herlev Hospital.
- Choice of alternate to the Board under section 6.
The Board proposes new elections by Looking Chin, senior medical officer, abdominal surgical Department Bispebjerg Hospital
- Choice of Auditor and accountant representative.
The Board of Directors proposes re-election of respectively Nikolaj Borg Mogensen og Birthe H. Bech
- Management of DUDS fortune by Torben Lorentzen
- Orientation from EFSUMB by Michael Bachmann N
- Orientation of WFUMB by Søren Hancke
- Orientation from the Association of Danish Sonographs by Vibeke Dabelsten
- Incoming proposal
- Where appropriate,