2009 no. 2 juni
June 28, 2009generalforsamling i DUDS, 27-04-2010
on 27 april 2010
Auditorium 1, Århus sygehus, THG
Report of proceedings
1. Choice of conductor
Michael Trier was chosen
2. Presentation of the Chairman’s report (placed on the website), Lars Bolvig
Taken note of
3. Presentation of the audited financial statement, Torben Lorentzen
Approved, it should be noted that the financial statements are approved by the Auditor General Nikolai Borg Mogensen
4. Quota setting. The Board is proposing the quota unchanged
5. Elections to the Board of Directors
1/Lars Bolvig goes by as President and continues June 1.2010 as outgoing President. Torben Lorentzen joins 1. June 2010 as new President in accordance with the articles of Association 2/Christian Nolsøe goes by as outgoing President and can not be re-elected
3/Michel Payen’s Court proposed by the Board of Directors elected as new President
4/Charlotte Strandberg is on the elections after 2 years. Charlotte is prepared for re-election Approved
6. Change in DUDS-laws (other processing/manufacturing), see www.duds.dk for further details (Minutes from DUDS General Assembly held 16.04.2009)
7. EFSUMB, Christian Nolsøe
Christian Nolsøe oriented
8. WFUMB, Søren Hancke
Søren Hancke not present
9. Danish Sonographs, Kalle
10. Where appropriate,
There was not received points to possibly
Reference:; Torben Lorentzen